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Life Together: The Diomass Intern Program

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Advent: Moving beyond opening doors

Submitted by Isabelle Jenkins on December 15, 2010

For me, Advent has always been the wreath with the purple and pink candles and the calendars full of chocolate and covered in sparkles. Despite the fact I attended Catholic high school and a Jesuit college, Advent was never really explained to me, or, perhaps, I never really listened.

For the first time this year however, I had to listen. At my site, Church of the Good Shepherd in Watertown, my supervisor and the priest-in-charge, Amy McCreath, asked me if I would be willing to lead a justice themed bible study for Advent for some of the parishioners. My initial inclination was to say no because not only did I have no idea what Advent really was, but I also had no idea what justice had to do with Advent. How am I practicing social justice by opening a numbered door and eating the small, essentially tasteless chocolate inside?

After posing this question to Amy (using different words, of course), this mindset changed completely. Advent is Amy’s favorite season and, for her, it is perhaps the ultimate example of God’s desire for social justice. God chose Mary to bring into the world Jesus, the social transformer who turned over the tables in the temple, broke bread with the sick, the poor, and the needy, and was crucified for his resistance. In other words, God chose an unwed, common woman to give birth to God on earth. This is why Advent is the ultimate season for justice to Amy—what could model social transformation more than the time that glorifies the woman on the margins who brought God into being through the person of Jesus, the man who wanted to bring those on the outside to the center?

This conversation made something click in my mind. As a huge fan of liberation theology, I have always envisioned Jesus as a person who wanted to mobilize people to change the socially divided and marginalized world. Thus, Amy’s view of advent completely stuck with me. Advent is the time when we wait and hope for this vision of justice to arrive again. So even though I’m still opening those little doors and eating that chocolate, the counting down of the days is starting to mean something else to me. With each door I open, a little light shines through, beaming God’s vision for justice back into this world.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bridging the Gap

Submitted by Paul Hartge on December 2, 2010

One of the most memorable moments of my internship so far has been the joint pot luck between Christ Church and St. Peters in September. The anticipation of the event was actually quite nerve racking. Would people from Christ Church stay later for the lunch? Would people from St. Peter’s come early? Was anyone actually going to bring any food? Thankfully, it worked out. People from both parishes showed up, and there was plenty to eat. Not only that, but the two parishes were even mingling together. The best part of the morning was when we all sang “What a Friend we have in Jesus”, switching between verses in English and verses in Lugandan.

Since then, I have been attending St. Peter’s service and coffee hour each weak. It is a very interesting experience worshiping in a language that I don’t understand. The highlight of their service is Rev. Alex’s children’s story, because it is the only part of the service that is in English. Other than that, I’m usually completely lost. Normally, during the sermon I explore the Book of Common Prayer, the Hymnal or any other reading material I have in front of me (unless Rev. Christine switches to English in the middle of her sermon single me out and explain what she will be preaching on). Once in a while, someone will translate the service for me. However, what is most powerful for me is singing with St. Peter’s. Despite not knowing what I am singing, I am moved when I realize that we are all worshiping God in their native language.

After the service I stay for their coffee hour. I’m not sure Upper Fales Hall is ever as crowded as it is during their coffee hour. This is when I can really connect with people in St. Peter’s. I will chat with them and here stories of their immigration experience. One of the best conversations I had was with Andrew, a third grader. Andrew told me that his favorite thing to do is help people and pick up litter whenever he can. I think fifteen years from now Andrew should be a Micah intern.

I know that some people, in both congregations, are skeptical about the project of creating more fellowship between the two parishes. I am hopeful. At the potluck I saw children from both parishes running around the room. Why shouldn’t they run around the room together? In fact, I am already seeing that happen in small ways. Last week after the 10:00 service, Alisha, the daughter of the Senior Warden, asked me where her Dad was. I told her that Jonathan had to stay late for some meetings. Her response was that she was going to go see if some of her Ugandan friends had arrived, while she waited for the meeting to end.